Results for "Next Chapter"

The Next Chapter – Ageism – Tackling Diversity’s Last Frontier: Insights from psychology, marketing, work, activism and psychiatry

Last year we launched a podcast with Steve Butler of Puntall Southall Aspire which shone a light on ageism as one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination.  This received such a groundswell of a response that we wanted to dig deeper into this area to develop a special next chapter series around the problems of ageism, the importance of having access to meaningful productive work as we age and some of the barriers – both invisible and visible – that exist in society to this. Tune in for insights from psychology, marketing, work, activism and psychiatry. 

The Next Chapter Episode 2 – Success in Portfolio Careers – Dr. Margaret Casely-Hayford, William Bourne, Sandra Urie and Julian Tregoning

In our second podcast of our Fiftyfaces Focus Next Chapter Series we hear from four more seasoned voices who are all pursuing a rich and diverse set of roles. First we meet with Margaret Casely Hayford, CBE, Chancellor of Coventry University, Special Trustee at Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity and Chair at Shakespeare’s Globe, among other board roles. She talks about the steep learning curve in gaining familiarity with the mission and purpose of each organization as well as the importance of learning to listen and for a Board to be a supportive Board. We speak also about the current levels of Board Diversity and the pace of change.

Episode 1: The Next Chapter – Success in Portfolio Careers: Sally Bridgeland, Debbie Clarke, Sharmila Kassam and Caroline Burton

In this inaugural “next chapter” podcast episode, we hear from four extraordinary leaders in investment management circles – each pathbreakers in their own right, and each of whom is dedicating this current chapter of their career to a portfolio of Board and other roles.

Many executives enter a portfolio or “plural” career once they finish up a traditional executive role, but there is a distinct lack of guidance as to what it is that makes a good director or investment committee member, and particular a good chair.

Bonus Episode – Deb Clarke – An Icon discusses her Craft and her Next Move

Deb Clarke was Global Research Chair and Global Head of Investment Research at Mercer for close to 16 years, following an extensive career in asset management and consulting which included 20 years as a portfolio manager. She retired from her position at Mercer in June 2021 and is building a portfolio career, including a NED role on the EMEA board of Blackrock and a member of the UK CFA Institute Advisory Board. She is an active speaker on the conference circuit and has been voted in the FN 100 Most Influential Women in Asset Management in 6 of the last 9 years.

As Deb moves to the next chapter of an impressive career we learn about what has driven her through her career as well as in other facets of her life including handicrafts.

Episode 3 – Success in Portfolio Careers – Alexandra Noble, Daniele Beasley, Susan Martin and Henry Tapper

In Series 3 of this FiftyFaces Focus Series focusing on the Next Chapter – and specifically portfolio careers and what makes an effective Board Member and Chari we meet with Alexandra Noble, Daniele Beasley, Susan Martin and Henry Tapper.  We hear from a group of leaders committed to training the next generation of leaders, coaching through change and ensuring that all pensioners get to retire with dignity and informed choices. 

Julian Tregoning – From Top Hats to Market Bottoms – The Importance of Keeping it Simple

Julian Tregoning has worked in the asset management business for many years, having had senior roles in the Flemings Group (where he also covered Latin America) and at BNY Mellon. He has held multiple Director and Chair roles and is a member of the investment committee for SAUL, a multi-employer defined benefit scheme for the non-academic employees of the University of London.

A podcast that features in both our “Next Chapter” series and our main series, this trip back to the era of Top Hats in the City of London traces and extraordinary international career that first happened “by accident.”

270. Penny Green – Pensions and Trustee Veteran – Putting Members at the Heart of Everything

Penny Green finally retired from the investment industry in June following an over 30-year career.  She started her career in pensions with TPAS, where she was Deputy Chief Executive when she left, then became Chief Executive of SAUL, where, over the past four years I have had the privilege of working with her on the investment committee. Upon retiring from the Chief Executive role in 2014, she became an Independent Trustee with BESTrustees, and her portfolio included a Trustee role at SAUL and Chair of an organization focused on raising standards of pension administration. She was President of the Pensions Management Institute for two years.

166. Preeti Singh – Private Equity Reporter – On the Pulse of a People-Driven Industry

Preeti Singh was until recently an LP reporter in the private equity area at the Wall Street Journal. She graduated from the Graduate School of journalism at Columbia University, and has worked in a range of roles and financial journalism. She has spent time as a Content Manager for publishing company in executive search prior to entering journalism, and is known for her ability to cultivate deep relationships across the industry, and to get the first scoop and industry moves.