166. Preeti Singh – Private Equity Reporter – On the Pulse of a People-Driven Industry

Preeti Singh was until recently an LP reporter in the private equity area at the Wall Street Journal. She graduated from the Graduate School of journalism at Columbia University, and has worked in a range of roles and financial journalism. She has spent time as a Content Manager for publishing company in executive search prior to entering journalism, and is known for her ability to cultivate deep relationships across the industry, and to get the first scoop and industry moves.

Our conversation starts with Preeti’s first focus in her education and her initial (negative) experience with interviewing for positions in journalism.  We hear about her move to the US, her early days writing in a library and how she pursued a masters at one of the most prestigious journalism programs in the US. She describes her experience in that program and in emerging from it – and the challenges she perceived due to being older than many of her cohort at that stage.

We speak then about how she discovered the private equity LP community and built trust therein.  We ask what makes this area “tick” and the importance of relationships, trust and transparency. Ultimately this is a podcast about the power of storytelling – Preeti’s own extraordinary story, and the next chapter she is about to write, the enduring power of storytelling in order to connect with readers and to express the zeitgeist, and the fact that traditional values of decency, protecting sources and protecting confidence will continue to endure.

Series 5 is sponsored by Astarte Capital Partners, an asset management firm focused on sustainable real asset sectors, acting as anchor investor and partner to specialist emerging managers. Astarte is headquartered in London with a presence in Sydney and Toronto.