Results for "Coach"

2024 Wrap Up Part 2 with Jeanie Coomber, executive coach and podcast host – reflections on coaching and creating the personal brand

In this second of our short series reflecting on the lessons and takeaways of the 2024 year in The Fiftyfaces Podcast, we chat with Jeanie Coomber, executive coach and podcast host who featured on our podcast this year in Episode 278 ( Jeanie is the founder of the Warriors at Work platform, and an executive coach and we take this time to reflect on intention and using the year that was to shape the year that is to come.

38. Susan Berland – Coach and Advocate – working with parents of LGBTQ+ youth

Susan Berland is a coach for parents of LGBTQ children.  She has been VP of PFLAG in the East Bay area, PFLAG is a national organization providing support and advocacy for parents, families and allies of the LGBTQ community.

Susan has been a coach for most of her life, and is the proud mother of a gay son. She has channeled her lived experience and her time at PFLAG to offer a comprehensive set of coaching tools for parents of LGBTQ+ youth. 

259. Anna McDonald of Moneta: Going for Gold – Coaching Athletes on their Financial Game

Anna McDonald has a dual role at Moneta, a St. Louis based RIA with over $32 billion in assets under management. She supports athletes in all aspects of their financial lives, preparing them for sustained success beyond their athletic careers. She knows this segment well as she previously spent six years as an ESPN reporter, covering Major League Baseball and the National Football League. During this time she was a spokesperson around health and safety concerns of the NFL.  In addition to her work with athletes, she also serves as Moneta’s Director of Family Learning. In this capacity, she works at the net as client facing teams to facilitate learning programs for families to transfer wealth to younger generations.

BONUS Episode: Nicci Take – Deal Coach on Sealing the Deal, Following Up and Remembering Forgetting

Nicci Take featured in our first Pride series in 2021 and shared her story as a prominent transgender advocate, inspirational speaker and coach.  We have watched Nicci’s presence grow and thrive over the past 3 years, she posts frequent inspirational content on Linked IN and we we wanted to ask her back onto the podcast to share some of that wisdom  – particularly as we get ready to launch our pride series of 2024 in coming weeks

Coaching Hub

Fiftyfaces Coaching Hub At the Fiftyfaces Coaching Hub we bring together short coaching videos and podcasts from experts in the field. Tune in for insights into confidence, visibility, finding your voice at work, leadership and other skills.  Building Confidence in a...

278. Jeanie Coomber: A Chief Igniter encourages us to become Warriors at Work

Jeanie Coomber is the founder of the Warriors at Work platform, and an executive coach.  Our discussion charts her journey from a corporate career at Alliance Bernstein to becoming a coach. We talk about the personality type necessary to be a coach, and Jeanie Coomber highlighted her unique approach to coaching, integrating her mother’s psychotherapy expertise. There is more information on the Warriors at Work platform here:

Series 5 of 2024: Trailer: The AI of Everything – Due Diligence, Financial Literacy, Agriculture and beyond

It has been a highly charged summer.  Between the big year of elections, a series of political and geopolitical surprises and a few market shocks, it has been anything but the silly season.  We have launched a few episodes of Fiftyfaces TV focused on investor identity and responsible investing and we have continued covering the issue of maternal mortality, women in sports and other matters close to our hearts.