Results for "Strategy"

203. Tom Raber of Alvine Capital: Making the Sale and Reading the Room

Tom Raber is the founder and Managing Director of London-based Alvine Capital, a reverse enquiry solutions firm that Tom founded in 2005, with a particular focus on finding solutions for institutional investors in alternative assets.  Originally from Sweden, he previously held leadership roles at Key Asset Management  and a series of investment banks. 

Series 4 2023:Excellence in Action

In Series 4 of the Fiftyfaces Podcast of 2023 we gather 10 guests who share a passion for excellence – in very different fields. We hear from a legendary business builder about how he closes the deal while a hedge fund manager shares the humbling effect of market downturns. A CIO reveals her ups and downs and the importance of learning to take risk and having a backup plan, while a serial builder of banks and financial institutions who started her career decades ago tells us what has changed, and what has not and sharpens the focus on what kind of mentors really matter

197. Libby Cantrill of PIMCO: The Intersection of Policy, Politics, Performance and Professionalism

Libby Cantrill is a managing director in PIMCO’s portfolio management group. In her role, she analyzes policy and political risk for the firm’s Investment Committee and leads U.S. policymaker engagement and policy strategy for the firm. She also works closely with PIMCO’s Global Advisory Board, led by former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2007, she served as a legislative aide in the House of Representatives and also worked in the investment banking division at Morgan Stanley.

Trailer: Series 3 of 2023 A Deep Dive

In Series 3 of the Fiftyfaces Podcast we start to dig deep – into sustainability standards, fintech, what impact actually means, and bust myths around hybrid working, the great resignation and entrepreneurship.

193. Robert Eccles – Sustainability Author and Activist – Managing the Barbell – in Business and in Life

Robert Eccles describes himself – in a nutshell – as a dedicated weightlifter, capital markets activist and professional committed to improving corporate reporting and enhancing ESG integration by companies and investors. He is the Founding Chairman of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, one of the founding members of the International Integrated Reporting Council and a Visiting Professor of Management Practice at the SAID Business School of Oxford University. 

Nkem Egekeze of Stealth Start-ups: Waste Not/Want Not – a Mindset for Medicine

Nkem Egekeze is chief innovation officer and Managing Director of Stealth Startup.  He previously worked as an orthopedic surgery resident and as a research scholar at the University of Georgia, and a strategy advisor at Harvard Innovation Labs. He obtained his medical degree from University of Michigan medical school. He focuses on providing value-based health research and innovation insights for investment executives and medical professionals focusing in particular on cost savings and customized insights. 

Amy Lehman of Lake Tanganyika Floating Health Clinic: Power Dynamics in Medicine and a Development Journey

Amy Lehman is Founder and CEO at Lake Tanganyika Floating Health Clinic, an international organization, whose mission is to address the problem of healthcare access for millions of people who live in the isolated, but strategically critical lake, Tanganyika, great lakes region of central Africa. She received both an MD and MBA from the University of Chicago, and trained in general surgery at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Additionally, she was a senior fellow with McLean center for Clinical Medical Ethics. She received the 2014 distinguished young alumni award from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She has been mentioned by Newsweek as one of “150 Women who Shake the World” and by a number of other publications. 

Trailer Series 1 2023: Brains, Breadth and Heart – Inspiring People in Medicine and Science

In Series 2 of our Inspiring People in Medicine and Science we continue to source inspiring voices and to ventilate topics relevant to us, our loved ones and the societies we live in.  With topics as wide ranging as development aid, mental health, Femhealth and value – we dig deep into what these areas mean, why the conventional wisdom is not always “wise” and hear about exciting new frontiers.  We are releasing all four of these episodes this week so that you can compare and contrast the experiences of these doctors and medical professionals and that have broken the mould and are pushing for change.  

3. Mindshare Podcast and Fiftyfaces Collaboration: Alicin Reidy Williamson is Changing the Game

As Head of Diversity & Culture at Yahoo, Inc., Alicin leads Yahoo’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts globally, in addition to building upon Yahoo’s passionate and positive team culture. Alicin discusses how to enhance belonging within the corporate culture and shares her insights on the value of Feminine Leadership and the need for high EQ in corporate leaders, something already practiced by her CEO.