Results for "Climate Tech"

Tim Hodgson of the Thinking Ahead Institute – Exponential Thinking for a Complex World

Tim Hodgson is co-head of the Thinking Ahead Institute at Willis Towers Watson. He previously worked as an investment consultant. Our wide-ranging conversation covers the genesis of the Thinking Ahead institute and what prompted the desire to gather industry thought leaders together to work on the most pressing issues facing not only the industry but the planet.

A reminder of the benefits of non-linear thinking, the kind of research that is on the cutting edge of investment today and why, despite all of our risk factors, there is cause for optimism.

Bonus Episode – Eoin Murray of Federated Hermes – Lifelong Learning and Pushing Boundaries.

Eoin Murray is Head of Investment at the international business of Federated Hermes. He has had a long career in investment management, spending time as a hedge fund manager and a quantitative equity specialist. He recently obtained a certificate in energy innovation and emerging technologies and is a passionate advocate for sustainable investing, greater awareness of climate change and in driving change in the investment industry towards these goals. He also has a diploma in specialist rescue which includes Swift Water Rescue, Powered Boat Rescue, Water Incident Management, & Rope Rescue via Outreach Rescue. It is these unusual intersections that we discuss in this podcast, which is also included in the Fiftyfaces Focus Intersections Series.

A discussion of a career journey that has rarely known limits and is now poised to take on one of the greatest challenges of all.