Results for "Action"

Series 4 2023:Excellence in Action

In Series 4 of the Fiftyfaces Podcast of 2023 we gather 10 guests who share a passion for excellence – in very different fields. We hear from a legendary business builder about how he closes the deal while a hedge fund manager shares the humbling effect of market downturns. A CIO reveals her ups and downs and the importance of learning to take risk and having a backup plan, while a serial builder of banks and financial institutions who started her career decades ago tells us what has changed, and what has not and sharpens the focus on what kind of mentors really matter

3. Tony Watts, OBE: Putting the Action into Action on Age – A Study of a Life’s Work

Tony Watts, OBE, is MD at Hartley Watts Communications, a director of, Director of, co-founder of the Age Action Alliance and co-author of The Midlife Review. He built his career as a writer, communicator, campaigner and strategist in the areas of PR, journalism and marketing and is now focusing increasingly on later life issues. 

Leon Brujis – Why Action = Priorities and You are What you Negotiate

Leon Brujis is a Partner a Palladium Equity Partners, a private equity firm, headquartered in NYC. The firm is focused on making investments in middle market companies with a special focus on partnering with founders and family-owned businesses, and a particular focus on the Latinx consumer. He has held a number of board roles, and is currently on the Board of New America Alliance, a not for profit organization committed to building on American Latino success to forge a Stronger America.

A packed look-back at a global education and career and a generous dollop of inter-generational advice.

37. Fabrice Houdart of the Association of LGBTQ+ Corporate Directors: Measuring the Cost of Homophobia

Fabrice Houdart is Executive Director of the Association of LGBTQ+ Corporate Directors as well as an Advisor to Fortune 50 companies and a former staffer at the World Bank and UN.  He is an adjunct professor at Columbia University and Georgetown University, where he lectures on LGBT inclusion within international development. He is a consultant to the Asian Development Bank and a Board Member of the Canadian Association of LGBTQ+ Corporate Directors, as well as numerous other board roles.  

Special Collaboration – The Mindshare Podcast and Fiftyfaces Productions – Women’s Health in the Spotlight – Trailer

Inspiring people advancing women’s health

This podcast series builds on our successful global Women-in-Tech healthcare series, as well as our capsule collections focused on maternal mortality and changemakers in medicine and science. With a focus on profiling inspiring healthcare professionals, investors, tech professionals, entrepreneurs, and capital providers, we examine the trends, the themes and opportunities within the healthcare segment.We drill down on the under invested area of women’s health, ask why this under-investment persists and examine innovations and community initiatives to raise awareness, build solidarity, and create impact

Series 3 of 2024 – Trailer – A Tour through Public Service, Private Wealth and Culture

Summer is coming, and so is Series 3 of the 2024 Fiftyfaces Podcast, and this series is filled with themes that we have not touched in as much depth before. The notion of service, and in particular serving public funds – whether in an officer, trustee or consultant capacity is explored in depth – we look at the mindset required, the rewards that accrue, and how to attract new talent into this segment.

245. Randy Cohen, Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School – Dangerous Vision in Stock Markets and Venture Capital

Randy Cohen, is a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business school.  His main research focus is the interface between the actions of institutional investors and price levels in the stock market and has helped to start and grow a number of investment management firms.  He is a partner at Exsight Capital, a venture capital firm specializing in early-stage impact investments in innovative ophthalmic diagnostic and treatment solutions. This has particular resonance for Randy, who is blind from retinitis pigmentosa.

Trailer Series 2 of 2024: Wealth & Wellness, and Determining the Hero of the Story

We are thrilled to be back with Series 2 of the 2024 Fiftyfaces Podcast, which will marry insights from private wealth with insights on strategy, leadership and the investment landscape. Inter-dsiplinary learning is the way of the future, so we are excited to weave together diverse aspects of our investment discipline here. Series 2 is rich with insights around private wealth, 

Maternal Mortality: A Modern Crisis: Part 3 – A Global Comparison

In this part three we look around the world to compare the nature of the problem  – hearing from Yele Aluko about his experience in Africa, while Noa Hirsch, an experienced health care director, nurse and business based in Israel shares not only her insights from the ground and from other kinds of disparities on the ground in a much more densely populated country as well as from technology solutions that are in development to chip away at persistent problems in this domain. 

Maternal Mortality: A Modern Crisis: Part 2 – Exploring Solutions

In part two we explore solutions to the problem, returning to our discussion with Yele Aluko to discuss some of the investments in alleviating inequity in the US medical landscape, and where disparities persist. Adonica Shaw then details the importance of community, shared experience, resources and education – all of which she is amplifying through My Wing Women.