Results for "Youtube"

Vice Provost Orla Shiels of Trinity College Dublin – Micro Credentials with Macro Impact

Professor Orla Sheils is the Vice-Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Trinity College Dublin as well as holding the position of Professor of Molecular Diagnostics. Prior to her appointment as Vice-Provost in 2021, Orla served as the Director of Medical Ethics in the School of Medicine, was the founding Director of the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, and was Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences from 2019-2021. Most recently, Orla was elected as a member of Scientific Council of the International Agency for Research on Cancer for 2024-27. IARC is a cancer research agency of the World Health Organisation that supports cancer prevention research.

Pride Series 2023: Intersectionality, Authenticity and Progress

June is here, and we are delighted to be back with our annual Pride Series, that this year will be a little bit different.  It will be a bit different because although we are launching it in June, we intend to keep adding to the series all year long – because Pride is for life, not just every June. This year – to kick things off, we hear from the Founder of “Out in Finance” about the affinity group he is building, and the relief he felt on being able to be his authentic self as well as from a financial planner who specifically focuses on working with LBGTQ+ “folx” to enable them to live their lives authentically

Caroline Cavanagh: Notes from the Stress-Busting Toolbox: Special Release for Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

In this special bonus episode for Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 we hear from Caroline Cavanagh, who is an Anxiety Specialist, Author, Professional Speaker and National Award Winning Therapist. She works both one on one as well as with organizations to maintain good mental health within their staff and to help individuals to reduce anxiety and stress and increase mental resilience. She has her own Youtube channel where she uploads content such as a stress-busting tool kit as well as shorter tips to reduce anxiety. You can find out more on:

23. Ashwini Asokan of Mad Street Den – Demystifying AI through Anthropology and Insight

Ashwini Asokan is the founder and CEO of Mad Street Den, an Artificial Intelligence company, powering Retail, Education, Healthcare, Media, Finance & more with its image recognition platforms, and Headquartered in the Bay Area, California, the company has offices around the globe. She previously worked at Intel, where she led IXR’s Mobile Portfolio, which explored the future of mobile technology and designed compelling mobile experiences that people will love.

11. Ashwini Asokan of Mad Street Den – Demystifying AI through Anthropology and Insight

Ashwini Asokan is the founder and CEO of Mad Street Den, an Artificial Intelligence company, powering Retail, Education, Healthcare, Media, Finance & more with its image recognition platforms, and Headquartered in the Bay Area, California, the company has offices around the globe. She previously worked at Intel, where she led IXR’s Mobile Portfolio, which explored the future of mobile technology and designed compelling mobile experiences that people will love.

15. Aonghus Kelly – Irish Rule of Law International – On the Law of Cumulative Effect

Aonghus Kelly is a lawyer who has a focus on the rule of law, international criminal law, human rights and the intersection of those areas with climate justice. He is presently Executive Director at Irish Rule of Law International, (IRLI) which is the legal NGO founded by and representing the bars and law societies from both jurisdictions from the island of Ireland which works overseas

Dr Scholar Lee – Triumphant, Resilient and an Authentic Noble Success

Brison Scholar Lee Downing, also known as Dr. Scholar Lee, is an inspirational speaker, spiritual life coach, transformational leader and a leadership consultant based in the Atlanta, Georgia area. As a Black Man of Trans experience, he has unique insights into the challenges of transition and cloaks his guidance in a deep spirituality.