Results for "Value Investing"

180. Richard Okello of Sango Capital – from Chicken Arbitrage in Uganda to Radical Candor, Outsourced CIOs and investing in Africa

Richard Okello is CEO and Co-founder at Sango Capital, an investment firm he founded 10 years ago that has a particular focus on investing in Africa.  He previously was a principal at Makena Capital, and prior to that in a series of roles at Bridgewater Associates. He sits on several fund advisory boards, portfolio company boards as well as the boards of the African Leadership Foundation and Human Horizons Foundation.

140. Robin Powell – Evidence Based and Value-Driven – Myth Busting across the Investment Landscape

Robin Powell is a journalist, investor advocate, financial educator and content consultant.  He is Head of Client Education at RockWealth, as well as Editor of The Evidence Based Investor, and executive director of Regis Media and Ember. He is a frequent commentator on investment management and behavioural finance,  often probing the purported value added by active managers and advocating for better transparency and investor education.

Katie Wyatt – Mission-driven and Values Based

Katie Wyatt is CIO of the endowment of Loyola University in Chicago, a role she has held for close to two years. She was previously director of investments at the pharmaceutical company Abbott, where she spent over 11 years, and prior to that held a range of roles in equity research. She recently became a member of the Board of Directors of the CFA Society of Chicago.

A CIO role at a Catholic university means that all investment occurs against a backdrop of a central mission, and we talk about how this is translated into the asset allocation role.

Episode 232: Matt Sherwood of Pothos Partners: Carbon Emission Allowance Trading and Embracing the Green Economy

In this podcast we return to a former guest, Matt Sherwood, whom we featured in an earlier podcast in this series (see in order to catch up with his new venture, Pothos Partners. The name comes from the golden pothos plant which sequesters carbon particularly efficiently among plants. It is also a resilient plant that is difficult to eliminate.

262. Kevin Leonard of NEPC: Towards a Sustainable Future for Public Pensions and Solving Pension Envy

Kevin Leonard is Partner and Practice Group Director – Public Funds and Taft Hartley at
NEPC. He has had a long career in consulting and started his career as an accountant.
Kevin has had a career of over 30 years in investment consulting, and it had a somewhat
“accidental” start – being driven more by location and convenience than a calling. Things
quickly shifted however, and Kevin found that working with public funds where the possibility to
add value and have impact was high and the touchpoints with investment committees and
Boards frequent and satisfying.