Results for "Older Consumer"

2. Debbie Marshall of the Silver Marketing Association: Busting Myths and Rethinking an Expanding Class of Consumers

Debbie Marshall is managing director of the Silver Marketing Association, a membership B2B organization connecting and informing businesses and individuals with an interest in marketing to older consumers.  She previously founded the Silver Travel Advisor, an information website that provides travel advice and reviews for the mature traveler and is a Chair of the Board of Trustees of Dementia Adventure as well as holding other Non-Executive Director Roles. 

The Next Chapter – Ageism – Tackling Diversity’s Last Frontier: Insights from psychology, marketing, work, activism and psychiatry

Last year we launched a podcast with Steve Butler of Puntall Southall Aspire which shone a light on ageism as one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination.  This received such a groundswell of a response that we wanted to dig deeper into this area to develop a special next chapter series around the problems of ageism, the importance of having access to meaningful productive work as we age and some of the barriers – both invisible and visible – that exist in society to this. Tune in for insights from psychology, marketing, work, activism and psychiatry. 

173. Vivian Lin Thurston, Portfolio Manager at William Blair Investment Management – The Art and Science of Portfolio Management

Vivian Lin Thurston is a Partner and Portfolio Manager at William Blair Investment Management, where she is based in Chicago. She previously covered global consumer stocks in a research role both at William Blair and a series of other financial services firms. She is Chairman of the Board at the Chinese Finance Association of American and a Principal Dancer and Director at the Xilin Dance Company. 

Series 1 2023 – Investment Stories – from Chicken Arbitrage to Ageism, Socio-Economic Mobility and the Power of the Middle Voice

It is hard to believe that we are back for our fourth year of the Fiftyfaces Podcast – and in Series 1 of 2023 we hear about unorthodox beginnings such as the twelve year old who arbitraged the price of chickens when growing up in Uganda, and ended up in a senior role in Bridgewater before starting his own firm. We hear about traditional ones too, about investment instincts honed at the family dinner table, or through seeing the world through an artist’s eyes.