Results for "Alternative Assets"

248. Brent Mattis of the Cleveland Clinic Investment Office: Off the Beaten Path in Investments and in Life

Brent Mattis is a Principal at the Cleveland Clinic Investment Office. He specializes in idea generation, manager selection and financial modeling for the investment portfolio and likes to look “off the beaten path” for opportunity. Prior to joining the Cleveland Clinic in 2017 he worked for 6 years in a family office in NYC with a particular focus on alternative assets, direct private investments and public equitie

203. Tom Raber of Alvine Capital: Making the Sale and Reading the Room

Tom Raber is the founder and Managing Director of London-based Alvine Capital, a reverse enquiry solutions firm that Tom founded in 2005, with a particular focus on finding solutions for institutional investors in alternative assets.  Originally from Sweden, he previously held leadership roles at Key Asset Management  and a series of investment banks. 

Roy Kuo – How to think like an owner

Roy Kuo is team head of alternative strategies at the Church Commissioners for England, which has £8.5bn in assets under management, with £1.4bn in hedge fund strategies and £1.7bn in alternative private market strategies. He previously held a series of roles in consulting and asset management, and is an active participant on the conference circuit for alternative assets, as well as a thought leader for institutional investors.

A broad-ranging discussion of what it means to “think like an owner” in the stewardship of institutional assets.

Series 4 2023:Excellence in Action

In Series 4 of the Fiftyfaces Podcast of 2023 we gather 10 guests who share a passion for excellence – in very different fields. We hear from a legendary business builder about how he closes the deal while a hedge fund manager shares the humbling effect of market downturns. A CIO reveals her ups and downs and the importance of learning to take risk and having a backup plan, while a serial builder of banks and financial institutions who started her career decades ago tells us what has changed, and what has not and sharpens the focus on what kind of mentors really matter

259. Anna McDonald of Moneta: Going for Gold – Coaching Athletes on their Financial Game

Anna McDonald has a dual role at Moneta, a St. Louis based RIA with over $32 billion in assets under management. She supports athletes in all aspects of their financial lives, preparing them for sustained success beyond their athletic careers. She knows this segment well as she previously spent six years as an ESPN reporter, covering Major League Baseball and the National Football League. During this time she was a spokesperson around health and safety concerns of the NFL.  In addition to her work with athletes, she also serves as Moneta’s Director of Family Learning. In this capacity, she works at the net as client facing teams to facilitate learning programs for families to transfer wealth to younger generations.

240. Catch up with Angela Miller-May – CIO of IMRF – What Keeps a CIO Up At Night?

Angela Miller May is CIO at Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund a public defined benefit fund based in Oak Brook IL which has over $40 bn in assets under management.Angela is a regular figure on the asset management conference circuit and has become a leading voice in promoting diversity and inclusion in the industry. She appeared as the third guest on the podcast in 2020 during her tenure as CIO of Chicago Teachers.