Results for "Pride Network"

23. Maggie Lower of the Board of Grindr: Blending the Art and Science of Marketing with the Magic of Representation

Maggie Lower describes herself as a Pop Culture Enthusiast and Music Lover as well as a CMO and Board Member. She was formerly CMO for Hootsuite, a social media management platform where she fostereda collaborative marketing approach. She joined the Board of Directors of Grindr the largest LGBTQIA+ social networking App and has won multiple awards as an LGBTQIA+ advocate and been a keynote speaker. She also holds multiple roles as Senior Board Advisor.

Judge Victoria Kolakowski – Authenticity On and Off the Bench

The Honorable Judge Victoria Kolakowski, is a judge of the Superior Court of Alameda County, in the Bay Area of California and in November 2010 she was the first Transgender person to be elected a Trial Judge. Judge Kolakowski is a committed advocate for transgender people and makes herself available throughout the United States and internationally for conferences, seminars and interviews acting as a role-model and providing support.

This conversation with Patrick Devitt, guest host, is a powerful description of one woman’s trans journey, her struggles and triumph and where she found her niche in the practice of the law.