Results for "Struggle"

183. Eddie Welch of Nuveen: Why it is so Important to Enjoy the Struggle

Eddie Welch is an alternative asset specialist at Nuveen, a role he has held since April 2021.  He previously worked as an Associate at CIM Group, focused on real estate investing, and prior to that and his degree at Ohio State University worked in a wide variety of roles and played college football.

199. Tory Hyndman of Charta Partners: Putting Human Capital at the Forefront

Tory Hyndman is a Partner at Charta Partners. She has had a career of 25 years in executive search focused on investment management, having spent time at Heidrick & Struggles as well as David Barrett Partners, where she established the London office and wider EMEA business. She is passionate about educating women about careers in the City and is a volunteer for Founders4Schools as well as Maths4Girls as well as an Ambassador for The Diversity Project.

Genie Cesar-Fabian – Law, Literature and Pride, not Prejudice

Genie Cesar-Fabian is a Partner, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at Palladium Equity Partners, based in the NYC area. She previously worked as in-house counsel, a law professor and an attorney in private practice. She lives with her wife and two children in the NYC area.

An empowering conversation that tracks Genie’s coming out in NYC in the 1990s and her legal career as a professor, in private practice and then in-house.

Judge Victoria Kolakowski – Authenticity On and Off the Bench

The Honorable Judge Victoria Kolakowski, is a judge of the Superior Court of Alameda County, in the Bay Area of California and in November 2010 she was the first Transgender person to be elected a Trial Judge. Judge Kolakowski is a committed advocate for transgender people and makes herself available throughout the United States and internationally for conferences, seminars and interviews acting as a role-model and providing support.

This conversation with Patrick Devitt, guest host, is a powerful description of one woman’s trans journey, her struggles and triumph and where she found her niche in the practice of the law.