Results for "Education"

Special Collaboration – The Mindshare Podcast and Fiftyfaces Productions – Women’s Health in the Spotlight – Trailer

Inspiring people advancing women’s health

This podcast series builds on our successful global Women-in-Tech healthcare series, as well as our capsule collections focused on maternal mortality and changemakers in medicine and science. With a focus on profiling inspiring healthcare professionals, investors, tech professionals, entrepreneurs, and capital providers, we examine the trends, the themes and opportunities within the healthcare segment.We drill down on the under invested area of women’s health, ask why this under-investment persists and examine innovations and community initiatives to raise awareness, build solidarity, and create impact

259. Anna McDonald of Moneta: Going for Gold – Coaching Athletes on their Financial Game

Anna McDonald has a dual role at Moneta, a St. Louis based RIA with over $32 billion in assets under management. She supports athletes in all aspects of their financial lives, preparing them for sustained success beyond their athletic careers. She knows this segment well as she previously spent six years as an ESPN reporter, covering Major League Baseball and the National Football League. During this time she was a spokesperson around health and safety concerns of the NFL.  In addition to her work with athletes, she also serves as Moneta’s Director of Family Learning. In this capacity, she works at the net as client facing teams to facilitate learning programs for families to transfer wealth to younger generations.

BONUS Episode: Avivah Wittenberg-Cox: Higher for Longer is not just for markets – Preparing for the 100 year and 4 Quarter life

In this bonus episode we meet with fellow INSEAD alumna Avivah Wittenberg-Cox advocates for new thinking in generational and gender balance. She is a consultant, coach and speaker on the rising impact of longevity on the people and on the workplace and provides advice to help businesses thrive. She is the author of seven books on gender, leadership and longevity and the host of the podcast 4-Quarter lives, where she applauds podcasts as a way to create “real conversations in a very noisy world”.  

251. Carina Diamond of Stella Secunda Partners: Towards the Next Star in Wealth Management and Beyond

Carina Diamond is a wealth management leader with particular experience in growing and building businesses. Late last year, she founded Stella Secunda Partners, a consulting firm that helps financial services locate and retain next generation talent and guide business owners through succession planning. She is a motivational speaker and coach, as well as the founder of Diversitas, a national education program at The University of Akron designed to expand diversity in wealth management.

Trailer Series 2 of 2024: Wealth & Wellness, and Determining the Hero of the Story

We are thrilled to be back with Series 2 of the 2024 Fiftyfaces Podcast, which will marry insights from private wealth with insights on strategy, leadership and the investment landscape. Inter-dsiplinary learning is the way of the future, so we are excited to weave together diverse aspects of our investment discipline here. Series 2 is rich with insights around private wealth, 

Vice Provost Orla Shiels of Trinity College Dublin – Micro Credentials with Macro Impact

Professor Orla Sheils is the Vice-Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Trinity College Dublin as well as holding the position of Professor of Molecular Diagnostics. Prior to her appointment as Vice-Provost in 2021, Orla served as the Director of Medical Ethics in the School of Medicine, was the founding Director of the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, and was Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences from 2019-2021. Most recently, Orla was elected as a member of Scientific Council of the International Agency for Research on Cancer for 2024-27. IARC is a cancer research agency of the World Health Organisation that supports cancer prevention research.