Rachel Fabian-Edelman is a community manager at Citi Accelerator & Venture Investments, which is responsible for investment in a range of start-ups. She started her career in MobilEye, a mobility company and one of Israel’s most successful start-ups, that is now a part of Intel. She has a passion for connecting and amplifying the voices of women in the profession, and has started a local women’s network, and is also committed to animal rights.
Our conversation traces Rachel’s career path through a successful start-up, how she grew through stretch assignments and with the help of management who spotted talent and nurtured it. We compare that to later experiences with less successful start-ups, and discuss her own business of dog training that she set up. There is a fun question about any aspects of dog training that she would apply to leadership and dealing with people.
We discuss the people in her life who inspired her, in particular her grandfather who ran a successful business. My typical final question at the end of the podcast was altered beautifully by Rachel as advice she would give to her daughter. Have a listen to find out what she says about ambition, pursuing dreams and believing in yourself.
This podcast was made possible with the kind support of Emanuel Arbib of IAM Capital Group, a global alternative investment group, and the individuals Elissa Bayer and Avital Eusgeld.
Keywords :
Animal Rights