Elinor Swery is a Solutions Engineer at Rookout, based in Tel Aviv. Rookout empowers engineers to solve customer issues faster, by making debugging easy and accessible in any environment.
She describes herself as working at the intersection of the physical and digital worlds, and has a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Auckland. Born in Israel, she moved to New Zealand at the age of 10 and moved back to Israel two years ago.
Our conversation traces what Elinor loved about the field of mechanical engineering, her travel and research and how ultimately she was driven towards the application of technology and developing solutions. We discuss her move to Israel and adjustment to some cultural differences from New Zealand, as well as her experience in settling in to a new company in a time of Covid.
Finally we recognize the people in her life who have inspired her, and words of wisdom she lives by – including the urge to get outside her comfort zone on a regular basis. Find out why, by tuning in!
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