Results for "Responsible Investing"

David Hickey – Responsible Investing; Maximum Reach

David Hickey is portfolio manager and responsible investment lead at the Lothian Pension Fund, a public pension fund based in Edinburgh. He previously was a fund manager for a European Small Cap Equity team among other investment related roles.

An energetic discussion of how a boy from a Yorkshire pit village entered the profession against the odds, overcame setbacks and is now one of the leading voices in sustainable investing in the UK.

Sam Kunz – Trading Places – An Investing Odyssey

Sam Kunz is Chief Investment Officer at Core Financial Partners, a firm that provides financial planning to small and medium sized businesses based in Venice, CA. He was previously a Senior Managing Director responsible for asset allocation and investment strategy at the University of California and prior to that he was my predecessor as CIO at the Chicago Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund.

A fascinating discussion of a trader’s mentality, asset allocation and the importance of learning to love yourself.

Alison Major Lépine – Investing through a Multi-Cultural Lens

Alison Major Lépine is Head of Research and Strategy at Absolute Return Partners, based in London, which she joined in 2015 after almost 10 years at the UK Railways pension scheme, where she was responsible for over £1bn in various absolute return strategies. Previously, she was an Investment Manager at IKANO across a number of asset classes. Prior to joining IKANO, she worked as an Associate at Russell and as a Senior Consultant at FactSet.
An account of finding one’s passion in investing, how to grow with a boutique firm and the fusion of different skillsets from a global background.

237. Asha Mehta of Global Delta Capital: Revealing the Power of Capital

Asha Mehta is Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer at Global Delta Capital, where she has a thematic focus on Emerging and Frontier Markets as well as Sustainability Investing. She was previously Lead Portfolio Manager and Director of Responsible Investing at Acadian Asset Management and prior to that an investment banker.  She has traveled to over 80 countries and lived in six, and recently released a book, The Power of Capital: An Adventure Capitalist’s Journey to a Sustainable Future. 

Saker Nusseibeh CBE – History’s Arc; Future Challenges

Saker Nusseibeh is Chief Executive Officer of the international business of Federated Hermes. He has previously headed equity teams in a range of asset managers, and is a passionate advocate for responsible investing and the integration of ESG factors into investment processes. He is a frequent contributor to industry dialogue on these topics and received the honour of Commander of the British Empire in January 2020 for services to responsible investing and the financial sector.

A City leaders rise to the top of asset management, his passion for sustainable investing and how his understanding of history informs his leadership style.