Tremaine Wills is the founder and chief operating officer of Mind Over Money, which provides financial planning advice and manages investment portfolios to help clients meet their financial goals. She formerly spent time as an investment advisor representative, and from 2015 to 2019 worked as a maths teacher initially for Teach for America. Based in Virginia, she is passionate about increasing financial literacy for the black community in particular.
Our conversation starts with Tremaine’s childhood growing up in a single family household in the Virginia Beach area. She had an early talent for braiding hair but quickly realized though that her braiding business, while allowing her to have a creative outlet, would not be scaleable and was physically challenging. We move then to her college career at an HBCU, and her first foray into finance and business and how isolating she ultimately found that. Driven by a desire to give back to her community, promote financial literacy and create a safe space for herself in the financial advisor community she launched her own RIA.
She remains passionate about serving the black community in wealth management and in furthering financial literacy and we dig in to some of the challenges and roadblocks that she thinks are in place. Most of this results from mindset and embedded behaviors around saving and we discuss ways that this can be addressed, particularly through long-term coaching style and supportive relationships and networks.
Series 2 of the 2022 Fiftyfaces Podcast is brought to you with the kind support of the William Blair Active Share Podcast.