Frank Dixon is an expert on Systems Change. He has been interested in sustainability since his MBA, joined one of the first ESG research firms, saw ESG wasn’t enough, and has been working on system change ever since.
Rod June – A Roadmap for Inclusion and Change
Rod June is Chief Investment Officer of the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System, (which has $19.5 bn in AUM), where he has spent over 8 years. He previously held the same title at the Hawaii Employees Retirement System, where he spent over 4 years.
A passionate explanation of how to create true inclusion in an organization and profession.
Bonus Series 2024 – Trailer – Moon Shots and Deep Dives
Do you ever over order? This year, as is the case every year we were bursting at the seams with guests and talent here at Fiftyfaces Productions and were delighted to produce a bonus series featuring 8 inspiring guests at the end of 2024. We hope you can take some time over the break to listen back to some big themes – neurodivergence and the workforce, system change, moonshots and deep dives – all delivered in bite size chunks.
253. Marcie Frost, CEO of CalPERS: Public Service, Pushing for Impact, and Learning how to take a Punch
Marcie Frost is the Chief Executive Officer of CalPERS, the largest pension fund in the US with over $400 billion in assets under management and serving over 2 million members in its retirement system. She was recently elected to the board of the Toigo Foundation.
Trailer Series 2 of 2024: Wealth & Wellness, and Determining the Hero of the Story
We are thrilled to be back with Series 2 of the 2024 Fiftyfaces Podcast, which will marry insights from private wealth with insights on strategy, leadership and the investment landscape. Inter-dsiplinary learning is the way of the future, so we are excited to weave together diverse aspects of our investment discipline here. Series 2 is rich with insights around private wealth,
184. Jennifer Grancio of Engine No. 1 – Vision, Patience, Externalities and Increasing Economic Value
Jennifer Grancio is Chief Executive Officer at Engine No. 1, an investment firm that identifies value creation opportunities in once in a generation systems changes the economy is now going through. She is based in the San Francisco area. She previously founded and ran her own firm advising CEOs and accelerating revenue growth. Prior to that was a Managing Director at Blackrock where she led businesses and global distribution teams for close to 20 years. She is a Board Member of the MannKind Corporation and Ethic Investments.
Trailer: Series 2 of 2023: The Golden Thread
Between Series 1 and series 2 of 2023, we kicked off a brand new focus series – the Love Series – in celebration of love in February 2023. This had a great response – reminding us of what made people human. It sent one listener back to his old photo album to remind himself of his showjumping days, and others felt motivated to take up hobbies again.
Now we are back to our main series focused on investment professionals but love runs through it like a golden thread. Love, discipline, lessons from parents. Our guests include a former college football player, who spent time working as a prison guard before returning to university and ultimately entering the investment industry, an expert on music valuation, multiple ESG and pensions specialists and founders of fund companies – large and small.
Series 1 2022 – Impact & Legacy
Welcome back to The Fiftyfaces Podcast in 2022. In this first series we meet with ten more inspiring guests and draw out in particular themes relating to impact and the importance of education. For some of our guests their commitment to educating the next generation – whether through personal sponsorship, Board Roles, teaching decision making or the founding of The Skills Workshop – there is universal belief in its importance.
Impact takes many forms, and includes investment in education, but for some of our guests it also includes solutions to alleviate homelessness, house vulnerable women and adults with learning differences, or address the problem of climate change.
Merav Oren – A Serial Entrepreneur Talks Food Tech, Co-Working and Making the Ask
Merav Oren is a serial entrepreneur, most recently of the ACT Foodtech Innovation Hub, which connects the culinary and foodTech worlds, as well as the founder of WMN, a co-working space and ecosystem for female entrepreneurs in Tel Aviv, and the first of its kind in the area. She is passionate about working with the public sector towards sustainability and impact and also founded Urban Playground, which provides solutions to effectively manage public spaces.
Our wide-ranging conversation covers her earliest inroads into being an entrepreneur, and some negotiating skills learned on the job that taught her how to properly assess her worth and, more importantly, ask for it.
Dafna Rolls – An Exploration of Mindset and How it Shifts with Experience
In our podcast, Dafna describes how she grew in a family of entrepreneurs and discusses her time in the Israeli army where at the age of 18 she became a lieutenant overseeing a group of 20 men. This experience shaped Dafna and made her understand what she was capable of. So much so that when Dafna moved to America in her twenties, she realised that she needed to set up her own company, as no one in the US quite understood her skillset and potential. Hence, D|Rolls was born.
A great believer in coaching, Dafna used it to help build both her business and navigate her role as CEO. Although D|Rolls business headquarters are in Boston, Dafna and her family moved back to Israel after 10 years.