Anastasia Guha is a sustainable investing expert at Redington with over 17 years of experience. She advises on sustainable investing strategy and beliefs, best practices for integrating ESG factors into investment projects, engagement and ESG reporting and measurement.
272. Jennifer Devine of Wiltshire: Sustainable Investing, Stakeholder Engagement and Lessons in Chemistry
Jennifer Devine is Head of Wiltshire Pension Fund, and a thought leader in the field of sustainable investing. I was thrilled to welcome her to the podcast in order to capture some of the vision that she implements at Wiltshire and translates for its members in easy to understand and relatable posts on social media and their home page that highlight concrete examples of impact investments.
217. Francois Bourdon of Nordis Capital: Sustainable Investing for a Changing World
Francois Bourdon is Managing Partner of Nordis Capital, based in Montreal. He is also Managing Partner in Sustainable Market Strategies, an independent investment strategy research service tracking global developments in ESG/impact-investing worldwide. He was formerly Chief Investment Officer at Fiera Capital.
141. Fabiola Schneider – Sustainable Investing Expert – Greenwashing and Mislabeling – An Industry Cautionary Tale
Fabiola Schneider is a doctoral researcher at UCD Michael Smurfit business school, where she focuses on sustainable finance with a particular focus on progressing the UN SDG agenda. She is Research Co-Lead on Greenwatch, which applies AI to detect Greenwashing in the market. She is also passionate about issues of diversity, equity and inclusion.
BONUS – Nawar Alsaadi – Regret, Hope and Vision in the Field of Sustainable Investing
Nawar Alsaadi is a Senior Portfolio Manager in ESG investing at Canada Post and previously worked as a long-only portfolio manager. He has led product development for ESG product research and spent time as a private ESG investor.
138. Nazmeera Moola of Ninety One – from Farming to Emerging Markets to Sustainable Investing
Nazmeera Moola is Chief Sustainability Officer of Ninety One, based in Capetown, where she previously headed up South African investing. Our podcasts starts with a discussion of her farming background as a child and the lessons that that taught her in terms of planning, market volatility, the importance of diversification and risk management. It was an interesting preparation for a career in investing, and we talk through the challenges and opportunities of emerging market investing, particularly in Africa.
Eoin Murray of Federated Hermes – Sustainable Investing and Mountain and Water Rescue
Eoin Murray is Head of Investment at the international business of Federated Hermes. He has had a long career in investment management, spending time as a hedge fund manager and a quantitative equity specialist. He recently obtained a certificate in energy innovation and emerging technologies and is a passionate advocate for sustainable investing, greater awareness of climate change and in driving change in the investment industry towards these goals. He also has a diploma in specialist rescue which includes Swift Water Rescue, Powered Boat Rescue, Water Incident Management, & Rope Rescue via Outreach Rescue. It is these unusual intersections that we discuss in this podcast, which is also included in the Fiftyfaces Focus Intersections Series.
296. Stephanie Niven of Ninety One: Sustainable Equity with Substance
Stephanie Niven is a Global Sustainable Equity Portfolio Manager at Ninety One. She started her career as an equity analyst and subsequently held a series of portfolio management roles. She was previously an ambassador for the Diversity Project and sits on the Advisory Board of Girls Who Invest.
262. Kevin Leonard of NEPC: Towards a Sustainable Future for Public Pensions and Solving Pension Envy
Kevin Leonard is Partner and Practice Group Director – Public Funds and Taft Hartley at
NEPC. He has had a long career in consulting and started his career as an accountant.
Kevin has had a career of over 30 years in investment consulting, and it had a somewhat
“accidental” start – being driven more by location and convenience than a calling. Things
quickly shifted however, and Kevin found that working with public funds where the possibility to
add value and have impact was high and the touchpoints with investment committees and
Boards frequent and satisfying.
234. Uwe Schillhorn or Emerging Markets Investor Alliance: Uncertainty and Navigating it in the World of Investing
Uwe Schillhorn is Program Director at Emerging Markets Investors Alliance. He previously was CIO at Principal International Americas, where he managed the investment teams and developed the business in Latin America. Prior to that he was previously a global bond portfolio manager at UBS, and his most recent role was as CIO of a Chicago based public fund.