Results for "Inclusive Capital"

Series 5 2022: Trailer – Celebrating Our Diversity

As we bring our third series and second full year of podcasting to a close we have assembled a library of over 170 diverse role models in this series.  As the macro backdrop churns these dynamic personalities are our touchstones, our human constants, through the market noise.  

In Series 5 of 2022 we hear from leaders from large institutions, a charity, a sovereign wealth fund, as well as a strategist at a global asset manager, a purveyor of inclusive capital, a partner at a consulting firm who successfully came back as a “returner”, a financial journalist and an ex navy aviator.

Series 1 2023 – Investment Stories – from Chicken Arbitrage to Ageism, Socio-Economic Mobility and the Power of the Middle Voice

It is hard to believe that we are back for our fourth year of the Fiftyfaces Podcast – and in Series 1 of 2023 we hear about unorthodox beginnings such as the twelve year old who arbitraged the price of chickens when growing up in Uganda, and ended up in a senior role in Bridgewater before starting his own firm. We hear about traditional ones too, about investment instincts honed at the family dinner table, or through seeing the world through an artist’s eyes. 

Series 2 2022: Diverse and Frontier Founders and VCs: The Road Ahead

In our second series focused on founders, allocators and investors on the Frontier – we hear from a diverse group of professionals who share their vision for investing, impact and change.  From venture capitalists focused on the burgeoning world of Prop-Tech, to investing with a gender lens, developing a network to change the black narrative in the professional world, to harnassing the power of music royalties, to payment platforms  – we share insights from the coalface.

157. Matthew Sherwood, Ph. D. of WeVidit Media – Determination, Vision and the Power of Reframing

Matt Sherwood, Ph.D. is Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of WeVidIt Media, a video streaming platform that leverages data and analytics for a more inclusive and profitable entertainment industry. We met while he worked as an asset allocator, where he headed up public market investments for MMBB Financial Services.  He has spent time as a guest lecturer and an appointed professor at Columbia University and The King’s College in New York, and has authored a textbook on the topic of ESG Investing. He is a board member of the Guide Dog Foundation and American Vet Dogs and serves on the Lavelle Fund’s Investment Committee.

Series 4 2022 – Trailer – Summer Days, Fresh Perspectives

In our summer Series 4 of the 2022 Fiftyfaces Podcast we invite you to see our industry through fresh eyes through hearing the stories of 10 extraordinary professionals.  We hear of the training and perspective obtained through playing tennis at a professional level, challenging ice-skating routines and practicing the ancient Japanese martial art of Kendo.  We hear about formative life experiences, such as mission-work in a violence-rocked Latin America as well as the challenges of becoming legally blind early in one’s career. 

Galit Desheh – Gender Brave and Color Happy

Galit Desheh is the owner of DG – Diversity Growth Consulting and Strategic Social Change, organizations which work with companies to create an inclusive environment and diverse workforce. She previously worked as Educational Director at the Tel Aviv Sexual Assault Crisis Center and was Executive Director of Israel’s Women’s Network for over 3 years. She is a director of the “Power in Diversity” Initiative to diversify the high -tech industry in Israel and is also a lecturer.

We discuss how Galit has been interested in issues of gender for most of her career, going right back to her PhD topic, and how that led her to undertake a global comparative study of feminism (and to Northern Ireland).