Results for "Fiduciary"

289. Carol Geremia of MFS Investment Management – Why Fiduciary Responsibility is always in Fashion

Carol Geremia is president of MFS Investment Management® (MFS®) and head of Global Distribution. She leads the firm’s worldwide client-facing teams as well as product and marketing strategy. Since joining MFS in 1984, Carol has held roles focused primarily on fiduciary responsibility, stewardship and sustainability, and she has actively engaged with clients at all levels to ensure that the firm builds products and services aligned with their needs. Carol is a member of the Investment Company Institute’s Board of Governors, the City Year Seven Generations Board, the MFS Charitable Oversight Committee and as an Advisory Council member for Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Inc.

Diana Amoa – From Emerging Markets to Emerging Solutions for Professional Growth

Diana Kiluta Amoa, is Chief Investment Officer of Kirkoswald, a US based hedge fund, and she formerly spent over a decade in financial services in a range of roles including fixed income and rates trading, with a focus on Emerging Markets. She is a Board Member of the Global Nomads Group among other roles.  

Our conversation starts with her upbringing in Kenya

Episode 3 – Success in Portfolio Careers – Alexandra Noble, Daniele Beasley, Susan Martin and Henry Tapper

In Series 3 of this FiftyFaces Focus Series focusing on the Next Chapter – and specifically portfolio careers and what makes an effective Board Member and Chari we meet with Alexandra Noble, Daniele Beasley, Susan Martin and Henry Tapper.  We hear from a group of leaders committed to training the next generation of leaders, coaching through change and ensuring that all pensioners get to retire with dignity and informed choices. 

The Next Chapter Episode 2 – Success in Portfolio Careers – Dr. Margaret Casely-Hayford, William Bourne, Sandra Urie and Julian Tregoning

In our second podcast of our Fiftyfaces Focus Next Chapter Series we hear from four more seasoned voices who are all pursuing a rich and diverse set of roles. First we meet with Margaret Casely Hayford, CBE, Chancellor of Coventry University, Special Trustee at Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity and Chair at Shakespeare’s Globe, among other board roles. She talks about the steep learning curve in gaining familiarity with the mission and purpose of each organization as well as the importance of learning to listen and for a Board to be a supportive Board. We speak also about the current levels of Board Diversity and the pace of change.

Carolyn Saunders – The Art of Playing Many Parts

Carolyn Saunders is a Partner and Head of Pensions at Pinsent Masons, one of the largest specialist pensions law teams in the UK. She focuses not just on traditional areas of pensions law, but also on issues at the cutting edge of current discourse, particularly around areas such as sustainable investing, climate risk governance and trustee fiduciary duties in this respect. She is an active participant in affinity groups such as the Fawcett Society and has a passionate interest in theatre and the arts.

Our discussion tracks Carolyn’s career, her love of London and her passion for theatre, the return of life to lockdown London and her thoughts on diversity in the profession.