In this second of our short series reflecting on the lessons and takeaways of the 2024 year in The Fiftyfaces Podcast, we chat with Jeanie Coomber, executive coach and podcast host who featured on our podcast this year in Episode 278 (https://www.fiftyfaceshub.com/278-jeanie-coomber-a-chief-igniter-encourages-us-to-become-warriors-at-work/). Jeanie is the founder of the Warriors at Work platform, and an executive coach and we take this time to reflect on intention and using the year that was to shape the year that is to come.
Jeanie’s style as a coach shines through brightly in this conversation, where she asks Aoifinn what she wants to do, to be and to have in 2025. We discuss the matter of personal brand, finding voice and making an impact as well as the need to evolve with any communications format.
We end our interview with turning the tables back to Jeanie to hear about her own plans with respect to her own podcast (now celebrating its fifth anniversary) and her coaching business (now celebrating its 20th year), to reflect the current world of work.
Keywords :
Wrap up
Executive Coaching